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Postal address of the Mazhilis


Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, House of Mazhilis of the Parliament


Reception rooms of the Mazhilis Committees

Reception room of the Committee on agrarian questions

8(7172) 74-28-82

Reception room of the Committee on legislation and judicial-legal reform

8(7172) 74-29-37

Reception room of the Committee on international affairs, defense and security

8(7172) 74-61-17

Reception room of the Committee on social-cultural development

8(7172) 74-60-53

Reception room of the Committee on ecology and natural resources questions

8(7172) 74-62-54

Reception room of the Committee on finances and budget

8(7172) 74-60-26

Reception room of the Committee on economic reform and regional development

8(7172) 74-63-73

Mazhilis Press-service

Basheyeva Elmira Bakytovna

8(7172) 74-63-01

Bapakova Saule T.

8(7172) 74-63-05



Department of  documentation provision: Sector of the letters and reception the people

8(7172) 74-68-548(7172) 74-60-618(7172) 74-64-88

8(7172) 74-64-718(7172) 74-66-838(7172) 74-64-418(7172) 74-61-60
