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The meeting of deputies with the representative of “UN women” Structure in Kazakhstan was held at the Mazhilis

                Astana, February 7, House of Mazhilis. Today the meeting of Gulnar Iksanova, Chair of the Mazhilis Committee on Social and Cultural Development, member of the National Commission for Women's Affairs, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of Kazakhstan, with Elaine Konkievich, the representative of “UN Women” Structure in Kazakhstan, was held.

                During the conversation, the parties discussed the prospects for further cooperation in addressing the issues of gender equality, motherhood and childhood protection, prevention of domestic violence, strengthening of family values.

                Within this, the parties noted the joint work of Kazakhstan and “UN Women” structure on reaching the equality of women and men within the framework of the Concept of Family and Gender Policy in Kazakhstan till 2030.

                Elaine Konkievich highly appreciated the achievements of our country in promoting women’s rights, in gender equality issues, having noted the leadership of Kazakhstan in this field not only at the regional level, but also in the Central Asia.

                Anar Zhailganova, Deputy of the Mazhilis, member of the Committee on legislation and judicial and legal reform, who participated in the conversation, invited the representatives of the international organization to take part in the discussion of migration issues within the framework of the upcoming Government hour in the Mazhilis in April this year.


                (S.Bapakova – 74-63-05. Photo is taken by S.Mailybayev. Distributed by the Press service of the Executive Office of the Mazhilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Қазақстан Республикасы Парламенті Мәжілісінің ресми сайтына сілтеме жасалған кезде ғана материалдарды кез-келген түрде пайдалануға жол беріледі